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If you come to our site looking for a boyfriend, girlfriend, cyber-dating or cyber-sex, you will be banned. We are friendly and compassionate people but we do not tolerate liars. Do not lie about the disability you have. Do Not Lie! If you are not disabled, do not say that you are.Personal attacks or arguments in the main room will not be tolerated. Be nice! If you have a personal problem with someone, discuss it with that person in private, not in the main room.

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If you're new to our site, or new to chat rooms in general, we also suggest that you take a look at the Chat Room Etiquette page. Chat room safety is YOUR responsibility, not ours, so we strongly urge that you also read our Chat Room Safety Guide as soon as possible. If you are a first time visitor, to make your first time experience as enjoyable as possible we ask that you adhere to these simple commonsense rules.

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